I do a lot of traveling in my own vehicle for my job. As you know, I have a big SUV. Sometimes I drive my husband's sedan, but most of the time, I'm in my vehicle. Mind you, my travel for work seemed to have doubled as soon as I got a new vehicle. Today I received an e-mail from the "powers that be" at my job saying that the state in which we live has gone up on the mileage rate for state employees travel, therefore, we will follow suit and increase our mileage rate. Our old rate was .43 cents a mile. The brand new rate is an astounding increase to .45 cents a mile! Ummm.......am I supposed to jump for joy over a .2 cents increase? I don't know, maybe I'm ungrateful? Maybe my gas tank is ungrateful? Maybe no one else has noticed that gas is $4.00 a gallon?
How to Enjoy Some Debt Free Fun
6 months ago
perhaps the powers that be are in complete denial. of course, i can't see that being the case. one would think that the raise would be comparable or at least close to the steady rise in prices. leave it to management to be logical, huh? peace.
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