The secretary at work gave me my mail today as she normally does everyday. I did not read through my mail until after lunch. When I opened the very last envelope, there was a check from my employer in the amount of $80.96. I looked for a letter in the envelope to see if there was an explaination as to why I was receiving the money. No explaination. I called the Human Resources department and they told me that they owed me the money for past mileage that they previously had not approved. God is awesome! This is money I can pay put in my savings account! I am headed straight to the bank as soon as I leave work.......well, as soon as I pick up the twins.
How to Enjoy Some Debt Free Fun
6 months ago
you didn't forget about gas, did you? maybe that's where it can be put to good use. a friend and his co-writers have started a Gas-Out. check it out when you get time. Good luck with that "find", which is always a good time. Peace
sorry - the link:
this platform doesn't support hyperlinks, so, you'll have to copy and paste - sorry. peace.
Thanks for the link freedom. I'm checking it out now.
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