I have so many goals that I want to accomplish in every aspect of my life. I am trying to grow spiritually, career wise, and financially. Right now, I feel that my job is hindering me from growing financially but may be helping me spiritually. I'll be talking in greater detail about my job later, but today, I'm just going to give you a little bit of my dilema.
I love my job MOST of the time. I try to be more thankful and grateful that I even have a job in my field right now. We are in a recession and people are losing jobs with every merger of a company. My job right now is in the nonprofit sector, so you automatically know that means---NO MONEY! In order to achieve my financial goals, it seems to me that I need another job that pays more. In my field, I could get a job making three times what I make now if I move to another area (more about that later) or leave the nonprofit sector. I have only been in my field about two years, I'm trying to figure out if I just chalk up the less money issue to the fact that I'm just starting out and I'm getting invaluable experience (which I question sometimes)?
How to Enjoy Some Debt Free Fun
6 months ago
I so know how you feel. I have been told we have a "soft" economy right now. Soft is suppose to describe our financial state. I like soft things but a soft economy is not one.
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