Yeah, I know I was supposed to be discussing my long term goals today, however, situations have changed and are presently making it impossible for me to continue driving my car. I have a 1999 Ford Taurus that has about 126,000 miles on it. I got it back in 2002 when it had about 18,000 miles on it. A lot of people talk about Ford cars and say they are crappy or FORD = Found On Road Dead---but I will tell you, I love my car! Aside from having to get my transmission rebuilt in 2005, I have had no problems with the car. True, when I got it, I didn't want it, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. I was in my senior year of college and my parents helped me get it since the car I had at the time was going into a "car coma". My parents paid most of the notes on my Ford, but I did pay some of them as well. My car has been paid off for several years now, and unfortunately, our relationship is nearing the end of the road. (Tear, tear).
If you read my Introduction, you know that my family structure has changed significantly over the last 2 years. I now have a set of twins, a son, and a 5 year old cousin who I keep a lot of the time. Oh yeah, I almost forgot about Mr. High Maintenance--I do have a husband now as well. If you count it all up, there are 6 of us (give or take 1 when the 5 year old isn't with us) and a Taurus only seats 5 people---4 comfortably. I have delayed buying a new vehicle for several months now, but the safety of my family is now dependent upon it--or at least that is what I keep telling myself. My son is having to ride in the front seat of my car sometimes, and I don't advocate for kids under 12 sitting up front with the air bag. So, to remedy that situation and just the regular problems of having an older vehicle, I am forced (yeah I said I am forced) to get a new ride.
When I first started searching for a car, I was sure I wanted a mini van. I thought, a mini van would fit my whole family comfortable and they actually make a few cute ones now. Mind you, until I went to the car lot this past Saturday, I was dead set on getting a mini van. One of the car salesmen talked me into test driving an SUV with the 3rd row bench, and I was sold. I now no longer want a mini van which is probably (not probably, I know) more gas efficient by far and in some ways cheaper. BUT, the SUV I drove would last us at least the next 10 years and it has plenty of room and even a DVD player for the kids. For the type of vehicle it is, it is very well priced. YES, I did my homework. I compared the price of this vehicle at this particular lot to the same type of vehicle at other lots. I had my best friend (BFF) call the dealership the SUV is at and ask about the price to make sure that the price I was given (after negotiations) was a fair deal. My BFF was quoted a price almost $1,000.00 more than I was quoted, so I feel pretty good about that.
Ooopps......I have got to go, I am being called on to do some real work at work. Hmph, the nerve of these people who pay me actually want me to work! (LOL) Just kidding. I'll get back with you later and continue my "Car Buying Saga"
My Life, My Love, My Finance
Love ya,
Ms. High Maintenance
How to Enjoy Some Debt Free Fun
6 months ago
Don't orget F=fix O=or R=repair D=daily!!! LOL!!!!
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