Monday, January 12, 2009

My Finance: My Guilty (Expensive) Pleasures

Last week I posted and told you that I am going to start listing what I spend money on each day. Well......I have noticed that I spend money on ridiculous stuff. Stuff I can't even account for now because for the most part, my money goes to guilty pleasures. I am not starting 2009 off on the financial good foot! I am addicted to Frutista Freeze drinks from Taco Bell and Bold Breeze frozen treats from Baskin and Robbins. The problem with this is that the Frutista Freeze drinks are probably about 10 oz or so and they cost about $2.85 a piece. Did I mention I buy 2 at a time at least 2 or 3 times a week? Oh, and the Bold Breeze drinks from Baskin and Robbins cost me a whopping $4.79 (I buy a large one each time)! I probably get one of these at least 1-2 times a week. I am embarrassed! I should really stop with the guilty pleasures, because they do just that---make me guilty that I spend so much money on an unnecessary item. I think I need break my habit! I think I need a 12 step program for addiction to unnecessary frozen treats! Seriously, I am going to challenge myself to cut down. This is money that I could be putting towards my monthly savings goals (I'll talk about my goals later this week). Anyway, I have to get back to work, so I'll blog with you later.

My Life, My Love, My Finance

Love ya,

Ms. HM