I have mentioned before that I work for a nonprofit organization. Our retirement account was through a 401(K) plan with Wachovia. Last month, my co-workers voted to change our retirement plan from a 401(K) to a 403B Thrift account with Mutual of America. 403B Thrift plans are specifically for nonprofit organizations. I am very excited about the change for several reasons. First of all, when my employer was with Wachovia, we had a $40.00 a year account maintenance fee that we were billed for. We did not have Internet access to our account, therefore, we did not know day to day what was going on with our account and we could not make changes to our investments easily. With Mutual of America, we don't have an account maintenance fee and we have Internet access! I was originally only contributing $150.00 a month to the 401(K) plan, now I am contributing $200.00 a month to the 403(B) account. With my employer match program, there will be $400.00 a month going into my retirement account. It's not a whole lot, but it is a start for me. Plus, I am only 28, so I have a loooooong time until retirment. I will increase my contribution again in February when I get my cost of living raise. I was aggressively investing my money with the 401(K) account, but the way the economy is, I changed to just saving my money for right now and I"ll venture back into investing when the economy picks back up. If anyone here knows of a better strategy, please let me know! I am also rolling over the money from my 401(K) account to the 403(B) account. Well, I guess that is all on the financial front for today.
My Life, My Love, My Finance
Love Ya,
Ms. HM
How to Enjoy Some Debt Free Fun
6 months ago
200.00 a month is a good start. I just changed my 403B contribution to that as well. Just add a little every time you get a raise.. that is what I am going to do until I get to the point where i can max it out .
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