I'm sure you have noticed my lack of posting over the last few months. I have also slacked off on reading my favorite blogs (sorry, you guys) and commenting on them. That is because I have been taking time to get back my mind back together. The last time I posted, I told you all that one of my co-workers transferred and I inherited the bulk of his work load. The work I do is stressful because of the type of clients I have and the situations they have (some days it is like watching a bad episode of Jerry Springer or Maury Povich). I do non-profit work (I could make twice as much money if I got out of the non-profit sector) for a legal entity. Prior to getting more of someone elses work, my workload had increased greatly. I thought I would be able to handle it without being stresed, but that has not been the case at all.
Last week, I had to take 2 days off for what I call "mental health" days. Taking a few days off was the best thing that I could have done for myself. I spent time resting, reading God's word, and meditating. I realized that I had no peace or clamness in my life and I was neglecting my spiritual and physical well being. I am a rather small person, and I really cannot afford to loose weight at all----since I was stressed out and mentally high strung, I have lost 10 pounds. I am now working to get my weight back up and waking up earlier each morning to spend quiet time with God. A few minutes of prayer before work makes a world of difference.
I plan to be back to my regular posting soon. I am still getting my mind back together and focusing on God, my family, and my health. I am back to reading your blogs and I am excited about the things that are happening with you guys.
My Life, My Love, My Finance
Love ya,
Ms. HM
How to Enjoy Some Debt Free Fun
6 months ago
missed you... im glad you are back!!!! can't wait to read more of your posts
SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!!! Hope all is well, and remember to ALWAYS make time for you!!
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