I just realized that I have not posted in over 2 weeks! I have been extremely busy with my job. I went to a week long training program on last week. It was wonderful! I am sure it was the most beneficial training program my job has allowed me to attend. The best part was that I was advanced the money for the trip before I went, so I did not have to be reimbursed later. My job normally pays for airfare and hotel up front, but any expenses for food and mileage to and from the airport, are reimbursed when I return from my trip. This time, I was allowed to get the money before hand. One of my co-workers is transferring to another office, so I have inherited half of his workload. I already have an extremely heavy workload but I'm up for the challenge.
Since I've been busy with work, I have not been reading or commenting on blogs lately. I aplogize to those of you who I read and comment on regularly. I will get back with it this week. I will also return to my normal financial posting early next week.
My Life, My Love, My Finance
Love Ya,
Ms. HM
How to Enjoy Some Debt Free Fun
6 months ago